Free Webinar
Dr. Howie Knoff and Dr. Doug Reeves
Wednesday, Apr 18, 2018 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
We believe that next year's MTSS system of school services begins with a number of significant transition activities that occur now. One such activity is the “Get-Go Process.”
Using the Get-Go Process, each grade-level team in a school analyzes the progress of each of their students so that the student-centered “lessons learned” can be formally communicated to the next year’s teaching team.
But in addition, the Get-Go Process is completed to determine (a) what MTSS services and supports specific students will need on the first day of the next school year; (b) how to prepare teachers and other support staff to deliver needed multi-tiered programs or interventions; and (c) how to best organize students into their next year’s classrooms so that differentiated instructional approaches and positive classroom interactions are maximized.
This webinar describes the Get-Go Process, discusses the data and information that need to be collected and analyzed, and explains how to prepare for and conduct the Get-Go grade-level meetings.
This process discussed is far more scientifically-based and sophisticated than the transition processes used by most schools. Implemented in thousands of schools nationwide, this Get-Go process has improved student outcomes, enhanced the impact of MTSS interventions, and significantly prepared staff to better meet the needs of all students—but especially those with academic struggles and/or behavioral challenges.