Keynotes, Workshops & Presentations
(On-Site and Virtual)
Howie has presented well over 4,000 invited keynotes, workshops, in-services, and presentations-- nationally and internationally-- during his 40+ year career. Presenting to audiences from 50 to over 2,500, his presentations are relevant, incisive, up-beat, engaging, and entertaining. With the ability to provide important research-based information in a clear, concise, and understandable way, Howie is always "in demand" at international, national, state, and local levels.
Sample Keynotes and Workshops Available:
Howie is happy to develop a personalized (on-site or virtual) keynote, workshop, presentation, or professional development/in-service program to meet your needs or the needs of your professional association, state department, agency, regional cooperative or service center, district, school, or community group.
Some of his most popular programs include:
- Establishing Effective Stress- and Trauma-Sensitive SEL School Practices: Multi-Tiered Prevention, Intervention, and Emotional Supports
- Designing and Implementing Evidence-Based Positive Behavioral Support Systems in Schools and Districts
- The Stop & Think Social Skills Program: Using Social Skills to Improve Student Engagement, Behavior, and Achievement
- Behavioral Interventions for Challenging Students and Concerned Schools: Evidence-Based Strategies that Work
- The Seven "High-Hit" Reasons Why Students Exhibit Challenging Behavior. . . and What to Do About It
Other popular presentations include:
- What School Improvement Teams Need to Know to Succeed Under ESEA/ESSA and IDEA: Building Strong Schools to Strengthen Student Outcomes
- The "David Letterman Top Ten" Strategies Needed for ESEA/ESSA and IDEA Success
- The Student Assistance Team Process: Designing Early Intervention Teams that Effectively Solve Referred Students' Academic and Behavioral Problems
- Consultation at the Systems, Classroom, Teacher, and Student Levels: Moving from a "Refer-Test-Place" to a "Problem-Solving-Consultation-Intervention" Approach to Delivering Services
- Improving Classroom Management: Helping Teachers Infuse Social Skills into Effective Teaching Practices
- Positive Behavioral Support Systems versus Zero Tolerance: Developing Effective School-wide Accountability Systems for Student Behavior
- Teasing, Taunting, Bullying, Harassment, and Fighting: Functional Assessment and School-wide Intervention (Introductory and Advanced)
- Functional Assessment, Data-Based Problem-Solving, and Response-to-Intervention: Solving Students’ Academic and Behavioral Problems
- The Seven Sure Solutions to School-based Mental Health Success: The Necessary Collaboration between School and Community Providers