News: Project ACHIEVE

The Seven Sure Solutions for Continuous Student and School Success: “If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, Any Road Will Get You There” (Part I)

Blog discusses the Seven Sure Solutions to school improvement and students success as significant numbers of students continue to academically under-perform and demonstrate social, emotional, and beha...

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New Paths to Address Disproportionate Discipline with Black Students: New Directives, Research, Solutions, and Another Example of Racial Hate

Blog discusses solutions for disproportionate disciplinary referrals of students of color and with disabilities in our schools today. Two new research studies and their implications to school practice...

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Using “Flipped Learning” in a School’s Professional Development Initiative: Engaging Teachers and Support Staff in Outcome-Based PD—Even in a Virtual World

Blog describes an 18-month virtual PD initiative to enhance the multi-tiered (MTSS) services in the largest virtual school network in a mid-Atlantic state. A unique Flipped Learning approach with scho...

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Ensuring that Post-Tenure Teachers Remain Actively Engaged as Collaborative Contributors in their Schools (Part IV)

Blog discusses the four Pillars of Teacher Proficiency. This last of a four-part series focuses on Pillar IV: how schools align their continuous school improvement processes with activities that put p...

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Reconceptualizing Professional Development for the Coming School Year

Many school improvement initiatives fail because of their approach to professional development. This Blog describes the three interdependent goals and components of effective professional development,...

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Fitting Social Skills Instruction into the School Day: Necessity, Priority, Fidelity, and the Secondary School Advisory Period

To address students' current social skills gaps, this Blog described the characteristics of effective social skills programs; when and how classroom teachers can schedule and teach the social skills c...

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